Assistive Systems and Digital Technologies for Improving Mobility in Old Age (Heidelberg University)

Digital technology and intelligent assistive systems are important for maintaining and even improving the quality of life of older adults. With the upcoming demographic, these technologies will only become even more indespensable. This project aims to develop new technologies and intelligent assistive devices that preserve and improve mobility in every day life and aretailored to the need of the older part of our population.

Until now most research has been focused on the needs of the older adults with very limited mobility. However, this project aims to expand the scope and target older adults of different frailty levels, as can be seen in the picture below. This ranges from mobile older adults that are hindered from performing their sports activities to older adults that are dependent on assistance for performing everyday life tasks. Especially in the less mobile groups of older adults, the risk and fear of falling are a serious concern. Therefore, the project specifically measures and optimizes the technologies to maintain or even improve stability.

External partners for this project are adViva, EPL Med. Prod.
This project is sponsored by the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation in extent of the funding line “Durchbrüche”.

If you want to work together with us on this project, please contact us.